Thursday 18 September 2014


"Nothing is easy in life. Nor will it ever be. We just need to keep fighting for what we want and what we love."


It has been 15 years and 3 days now. PT3 is left with 23 days to go. I intended on not studying for English at home. Just at school. So I may focus more on the other 4 subjects.



Basically , I have to stop for a while on blogging. Not like ANYONE would care, right? I mean, I am just an invisible person that is too afraid to use her real name to write her heart out on this website, for crying out loud.

Still, I cannot fathom why did I start to do this in the first place. Hmmmmm.....


I think it's because of a) I saw my friend do it so I just gave it a swing , b) to save paper from writing tons and tons of my opinions and c) I love English and being a movie critic so I thought that this would save me from continuing on what I love.

Yeah, that's it.

Since I received two notebooks for my birthday , I guess this online blogging habit of mine shall put to an end.


*awesome theme song appears on background*

This. Is. Not. The. End. Of . This. Unicorn.

Which this post is all about. My life is boring. Nothing awesome happened, yet. Waiting for something to fall from a sky so I can share it with you guys.

Mission at the moment : Only blog when something really interesting is going on. Not a spontaneous one which is what I am currently doing now.

Perhaps after PT3.


To Geben , Shane , and those who are reading this somewhere in my country , or in America, or Alaska, or any other places that I do not know of.... Thanks. For appreciating my existence.

Albeit my blogs aren't awe-inspiring as John Green's novels, I still am grateful for being able to enjoy English by participating in this captivating activity.

Thank you. I shall write our moments in my new journal.

Sometimes , you need to get your ass out of the couch and make the best of it. You may never know what you're going to get if you keep sitting in your comfort zone.

Cheers, then. For those crazy moments that we regret on taking. It's what makes us human : We're freaks. In a good way.

We're ourselves and we should be proud of it. Before I end my boring post , I tell you this (whoever might be reading this) :

You are what you are. And you are special. Do not let anyone tell you different.

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