Thursday 11 September 2014

my Unicorn

I believe to those who are keen on taking "Selfies" are not mentally ill (Media says yes, though). Truthfully , it symbolizes how they appreciate their existence in the world. Thus, reducing the number of suicide actions due to the fact that they are taking pictures of themselves , thinking that they are pretty, living souls.


It's that time of the year again.
Where a particular BIG examination is just around the corner, and you are staring right in front of your laptop fiddling with words that comes up on your mind. Hooray for being skilled in language. Not. Let's just say that enjoying writing (or in this case , typing) for hours to increase awareness throughout the world screaming how you are also in this world like everyone else is a blessing. And a curse.

Anyhow, I am still hiding my true identity by using a new account behind a name that is not mine. Actually , it was supposed to be my actual name but my parents decided to name me another saint's name. I cannot imagine what would I be or who will I become if my name was literally , Delilah. Would I still be a nerd who fights against World Suck? Would I still love listening to music from Anime Soundtracks? Would I be head over heels on a guy that I like now?

Who knows, right ? I mean, will a name that is labelled just for you for 14 years and 362 days will alter your entire life? Yes , my birthday is coming really soon and I expect it to be a typical day : Me reading Sarah Crossan , studying BM and Maths, perhaps. Log in to Facebook, Have a dinner with my family... My 15th year of being a girl has ended.

Nevertheless, I am grateful (?) to live with a family who loves me , friends who make me laugh, a fruit that I would probably spend my little infinities with , novels that makes me feel like I can travel through other dimensions by experiencing describable sensations from John green to Harper Lee to Brandon Sanderson to Annabelle Pitcher's masterpiece, music that causes me to forget what I wanted to get when I walk into my room, and God, for giving me a not-so-miserable life that I can still control.

(Inhales pure , delicious , oxygen )

Now, let me bring everyone back on today's motion...


Yes , I am a... (glances at surroundings) unicorn in disguise... SHHHHHHHHH!
I might  get caught because of my aberration. There's nothing much I would like to talk about. Unicorns are beautiful creatures. Yes, again, another peculiarity of mine. I'm a bit on the weird side. *Snorts* Can't really tell where I am now, I'm at my secret hideout-

Could this be ? Chunibyo ?


You might be wondering : Why ?

Urmmm , this , is an excellent question. However , even I cannot fathom how I got into this shithole. I think being in Debate and my roller coaster life really gave me pressure so I thought I needed a happy , enthusiastic image of something to ease my mind. So I decided to envisage on unicorns. Because they're so happy , so cheerful , like cotton candy sheep. So fluffy and pink...

I guess society thought I was the unicorn. But in reality , "Unicorn " is just my escape word when I am feeling moody or pissed off or when I am down in the dumps. Just saying that single word of an "unreal" creature makes me think about the rest of the unreal things in life. Like Happiness. A thing that can't be seen nor touch. You feel it in your bones. Unicorn just represents all of my happy thoughts. My delirious Headquarters of endless enthusiasm. My Wondla.

When I mentioned the word to my companions , I am not referring to the mythical creatures that is told in folk tales. I am talking about my Happy Place. Unicorn.


But it would be too late to explain this to everyone. So , I guess I have to stuck with this nickname for a while. Don't get me wrong, I love being called a unicorn. I got used to it after a while. Maybe Unicorn , my happy place, the location where I can be myself, is me. I am the Unicorn.

Time to find your own Unicorn.


an odd geek who is addicted to unicorns.
a lazy extrovert.

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