Sunday 23 November 2014

Big Hero 6 or Mockingjay Part 1 ?

Yes. It has been a long time since I blogged. Literally.

What am I doing now ? Planning on how to make a perfect camp at my house. Not my intentions , of course. And what happened to those who suggested on doing this in the first place ? They decided Not, to join. But , hey , who could blame them ? Guess we won't have to eat marshmallows by the bonfire , then.

We are currently looking for a third party. Hopefully God is willing to answer my prayer and let anyone join. It's like , did they say it as a joke ? And I fell for it ? Perhaps. Still , there is no one to blame here. I , too , shouldn't let my excitement get the better of me. It was also a hurried idea. We didn't know what we were saying.

Let bygones be bygones ?



Right. As my lovely sister and I , the short one, are printing out the schedules while blabbering about this disaster , I am not here to use my skills in giving out harsh opinions toward my companions. Instead , I am going to talk about movies. Yes. Here it goes...


For your information , I also dream to be a film critic. It sounds fun. I know, I am pretty talented. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) Ignore my Pride. He's a bit giddy.

So , Mockingjay Part 1 & Big Hero 6...

This is proof that I really went to watch these movies in the cinemas. Alright , the comparisons/opinions on an adaptation motion picture and an animated movie.


Mockingjay was , terrible. Honest. I mean, it was 2 hours long and most of the time there was just... Talking. Part 1 was just mainly about defining the rebellion and bla , bla , bla...

I hope that Part 2 will Not be a rush. I mean , Part 1 was a slap on the face. 

It basically focused on how Katniss plated a vital role on becoming 13's mockingjay. And , more , conversations.

There is nothing else I could say about this movie. It was plain enough to miss this sequel and wait patiently for the last movie of The Hunger Games. Hey , you could save your money.


Has anyone seen The Artist ? You know , the black-and-white and silent film ? The Oscar Winning Film ? 

I couldn't remember which part did I cried. No , it wasn't a sad movie nor did I cried after laughing so hard when I watched it. I cried because it was Beautiful. 

There are 3 types of splendid movies : The laugh-out-loud ones , the heartwarming ones with a climax that will make you shed into tears, and the rarest of them all, a very , astonishing motion picture that contained deep emotion in it.

Big Hero 6 was like that. Yeah , it was hilarious , yet also... Disney made me remember how wonderful it was to be a child. I KNOW , I'm only a teenager but That movie made me feel , like a younger version of myself. 

Do you get it ? Big Hero 6 , with its beautifully cinematography , well-written story, ardouring characters (Baymax!) - Disney managed to capture everyone's hearts and snapped us a while from reality and reminded us the feeling about Pure happiness. 

It reminded us that we could still love the way Hiro and Baymax loved each other as spectators would love a movie so.


I recommend you , readers , to watch Big Hero 6. It would be a blast. 


As Walt Disney quoted, 

"If the story is good , the picture might be good. If the story is not good ; Good music and visual effects would not save the picture."