Thursday 28 August 2014

My Formula in Getting Better

" You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have some say in who hurts you."

People should stop this romanticism of suicide. It's insane. Everyone is born into the world for a reason, you just have to find that out yourself.

Sure, the Earth would still rotate, the stars and the Moon would still be here but we do not want them without you.


It is a fact that nobody is perfect. Everyone will eventually fall from a year of success in their examinations, lose from a debate tournament, broken into pieces from a relationship, teased or criticized by your friends or teachers, and maybe fail in a Maths test. As my favorite author would put it, "Pain demands to felt".

That's the thing about pain. That's the thing of life. That's the thing of, well, everything. And when you think you are on the edge of ending it, of deciding on " Oh, yeah, here's a rope, so, yeah, okay, I'll just do it. No one loves me anyway."

Wrong. Just imagine what will your family do? Your classmates? God? Imagine : Your family would CRY and would still hope that you will come back to them and laugh WITH you. Your closest friends? Do you really want to add on to their burden list? How about your Creator? Don't let me touch about religion because you know what my answer would be.

What I'm trying to say is : Suicide is not the answer. When you do something, there must be a price to pay. And do you want OTHER PEOPLE to pay YOUR price ? Do you literally want to see your parents to suffer more because of you?

If you are reading this, beat it from your own laptop at home, a school's library desktop , or even from a far country from whoever is writing this - I'm here for you. I am writing for you. I am procrastinating (again!) to try my very best on helping a depressed soul from doing the wrong move.

I am not judging you. Trust me, I have my own issues, too. I'm short, and I wear spectacles for crying out loud! I'm a nerd who fight against World Suck and I'm bad in Bahasa Malaysia (no offense, teacher) . But I don't mind my weaknesses because I know that crying and moaning won't help me to decrease my problems. I know that the only way to recover from your fall is to GET UP.

I study Bahasa Malaysia for days straight so I can prove to everyone that I can actually do this, I CAN improve a C to a B. I should be grateful that I have at least two hands with 8 fingers and 2 thumbs than to have miss a few. I thanked God for even helping me to utilize a device that will overcome my problem for seeing. Albeit I get criticized a lot, but that is how we learn.

Look at Thomas Edison, he failed countless of times, but did he stop there? NO. He got his ass up and tried again and again. If he ended his life then and there, we would all be scared and hopeless in the dark.

I live for 15 years and now I have the formula on how to stop myself from having any negative thoughts in life. A formula to get better.

1, Pray.
2, No matter what people say, just smile and walk away .
3,  Keep moving forward.

1 + 2 + 3 = To live the next 6 days of happy contemplation.
The 7th day of the week should be reserved for ... HOMEWORK TIME !

This is my formula to see the sunny side of life. SO, please, readers and bloggers, don't be selfish to think that you aren't important. Because you are. If you think your life is crap , think about a turtle, being flipped over. Just stay true to who you are and you will go far. Live your life with light, so when you get lost in a whirlpool of depression, remember : Light will always get rid of the dark.

Now, I ask you this : What will you do next?